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Skylab USA’s High Performance Team

10 Characteristics of High-Performing Teams

Most members of high-performing teams report that it’s fun and satisfying to work on collaborative teams because they are asked to contribute to their highest potential, and they learn a lot along the way and learn to “play above the line.”

Here at Skylab App’s peak performance is a must when it comes to how we work around the office. Around here, collaborating is redefined by “playing above the line.” Playing above the line consists of not doing the following:

  1. Blaming (others, a situation, as long as it’s not you)

  2. Shaming (denigrating or putting down others, aggrandizing other people’s mistakes above your own)

  3. Justifying (rather than taking responsibility or recognizing a mistake, you immediately give excuses. justifications act as excuses when they deny your responsibility or ignore what actions went wrong)

CEO and Founder Dean Grey says it like this: “Our Executives don’t care if you make a mistake, they only care if you don’t…“ Play above the line”.

Here are some more characteristics of high-performing teams:

  1. People have solid and deep trust in each other and the team’s purpose — they feel free to express feelings and ideas.

  2. Everybody is working toward the same goals.

  3. Team members are clear on how to work together and how to accomplish tasks.

  4. Everyone understands both team and individual performance goals and knows what is expected.

  5. Team members actively diffuse tension and friction in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.

  6. The team engages in extensive discussion, and everyone gets a chance to contribute — even the introverts.

  7. Disagreement is viewed as a good thing, and conflicts are managed. Criticism is constructive and is oriented toward problem-solving and removing obstacles.

  8. The team makes decisions when there is natural agreement — in the cases where agreement is elusive; a decision is made by the team lead or executive sponsor, after which little second-guessing occurs.

  9. Each team member carries his or her own weight and respects the team processes and other members.

  10. The leadership of the team shifts from time to time, as appropriate, to drive results. No individual members are more important than the team.

A team charter paves the way for collaborative success by providing clarity that builds trust and accountability. With a team charter in place, you’ll be able to unlock the potential value of your people by empowering them to contribute. In the long run, teams with a clear purpose and good chemistry drive business results. Job satisfaction goes up, employees stay engaged in their work, and everybody wins.

Skylab has integrated all of these characteristics in the workplace, and it drives good business results for us and also for our clients. One of our customers and Skylab Ambassador Greg Rex implements the “playing above the line” strategy in his personal and professional life. Below is a video of Greg explaining what it means to “Play above the line.” To learn more about Greg and to check out the Trilogy Game on the Skylab Apps Platform follow this link to download it and get the full experience. 

Now we will leave you with a little motivation from Mr. Rex himself!


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