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The Science of Engagement

The Science of Engagement explores the way that technology is being leveraged to quantify the interaction between brand and consumer.


When boiled down, the Science of Engagement looks to answer two pivotal questions:

Can you turn followers into co-creators?

What is the value of increasing engagement from monthly to daily active users?

To answer these questions, we need to give The Science of Engagement some context. Gamification is the new normal, and these tactics are being used to compete for your audience’s attention. At its root, the science itself is centered around brand advertising effectiveness and user behavior. The conduit for measurement, however, is being defined on a daily basis by developing technologies emerging from the tech sector. Here are the most important points to look at.

Platforms are the new disruptors 

“The basis of disruption is that competitors are creating new markets. The playing field is changing, not the product or service. A few incumbents can afford the breadth of imagination to envision a new playing field.” ― Haydn ShaughnessyPlatform, Disruption, Wave: How the Platform Economy is Changing the World

As author Haydn Shaughnessy states in his quote above, the playing field is changing and causing disruption, but not the product or service itself. Case and point: What do the largest hotel chain and the largest taxi company in the world have in common? Both Uber and Airbnb do not own a single property or a car that they rent out to consumers, yet they now dominate both of their industries. Similarly, mobile platform creator Skylab Apps is becoming the platform influencers, and brands go to build and own their tribes.

The Science of Engagement

Skylab Apps has created a white-labeled social engagement platform that allows clients to leverage a multi-million dollar platform to create eco-systems similar to companies like Uber and Airbnb at a fraction of what it would cost a company to build on their own.

Everyday enterprise brands tell us they think the SK platform is quite remarkable as it solves some of their toughest ‘pain points’ around communication and engagement with key stakeholders like employees and customers. – Ferris Thompson, CRO Skylab Apps

This concept is hugely disruptive as it would give power to just about anyone with a few thousand bucks and a desire to engage their tribe or community to get on the playing field.

The most exciting part of the Skylab Apps platform is its ability to help organizations and causes meet their mission through the science of engagement and applying it through technology.

If you’re going to make it rain, you better own at least one of the buckets. Influencers and brands desire to drive their existing communities from all forms of media and into a playground ( platform ) they control. For the first time, they have the ability to train, track, reward, and recognize their tribe and co-creators through the Skylab Platform.​ – Dean Grey, ​Founder of Skylab Apps

Own Your Tribe

By default, we usually don’t own our tribe or the game board that we are playing on. Influencers commonly use social media like Facebook Groups or as a way to manage and grow their community. Through understanding The Science of Engagement, influencers can make the quantum leap of graduating their followers from 3rd party platforms that limit their engagement to their digital sandbox where they can own the platform, and ultimately turning their tribe and co-creators into a referral army that organically grows and out-performs paid to advertise.

An influencer doesn’t need a million followers accomplish this either, Tim Ferris commonly quotes Kevin Kelly’s book 1000 True Fans stating very simply that:

A creator, such as an artist, musician, photographer, craftsperson, performer, animator, designer, video maker, or author – in other words, anyone producing works of art – needs to acquire only 1,000 True Fans to make a living.​

Companies like SkylabAirbnb, and Uber understand that their platforms have to meet their user’s needs. More importantly, they need to keep their users engaged for long enough to take action, and then measure those actions. This empowers tribes, co-creators, and any part of their respective communities to get involved. For Uber, it’s a new driver or a new rider. For Airbnb, a new client can mean a homeowner or renter. On the Skylab Platform, this engagement between brand and communities can mean a variety of things based on the customer’s business model.

Skylab Client Case Study

For Allysian Science, leveraging the Skylab platform did amazing things for their community. The platform created some incredible results in the form of DAUs (Daily Active Users) and MAUs (Monthly active users.) Seen here is an example of one of the Allysian distributors mobile profile. From the dashboard view, you can find all kinds of information about the user: How many actions they have taken, what they did, courses they completed and even how many times they shared the application with others.

How about the ability to decide “what” data gets collected, and, get ready for the mind blower……  Have a gamified platform that creates the kind of engagement that has users like Roslyn coming back 460 days in a row. KABOOOM! 

Apolo Ohono, eight time Olympic Champion and Co-Founder of Allysian Sciences“Skylab Apps technology gives me the platform to engage with my community through chat, trainings, and recognition all while giving my community a place that isn’t bombarded with traditional social media noise.”

CheerLife, another company using the Skylab platform has created an industry-specific app for the Cheer community. For the last 4 years, in the U.S. alone, an average of 410 people join cheerleading every day. 75% of cheerleaders consider it important to keep up with the latest trends because cheerleading has a role in many team sports, in addition to cheer-specific competitions, participation requires year-round dedication.

CEO of the Cheer apps had this to say about Skylab:

Skylab has revolutionized the rapidly growing cheerleading industry by providing cheerleaders, coaches, and gym owners the best opportunity to train, learn, and develop their skill-set as they strive to become world class athletes. By utilizing the Skylab platform, we are now able to use Gamification to connect a global industry, and the result is extraordinary.” Alex McCarthy Co-Founder of CheerLife about Skylab

This is the Science of Engagement being defined right before your eyes, and it is only happening like this on one platform, the Skylab Apps platform.


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